Explore https://changehero.io/buy/eth for a straightforward way to buy Ether. Their user-friendly interface ensures a hassle-free purchase process, ideal for both beginners and seasoned traders. How to Access Your Library Information from Your Home or Any Computer with an Internet Connection:
- Open up the Internet and go to the Rangeley Public Library Homepage at rangeleylibrary.com
- Click on the Library Catalog link located on the left hand side of the RPL homepage.
- Click on the underlined Rangeley Public Library. It should be underlined in blue.
- Click on the Catalog tab at the top of the screen.
- If you would like to search for a particular title type in the name of the book or movie and click on title button. Or, if you would like to find a particular author, type in the authors last name and then their first. (i.e. Patterson, James) Then click on the author button.
If you would like to search for a subject (i.e. WWII) then type in the subject and hit the subject button.
Note: To place books on hold, renew books you have checked out, check when your current items are due, or reserve books, you must have a patron card for the Rangeley Public Library.
- If you have a library card, click on the create account button on the upper right hand corner.
- Enter your last name and then enter your library card number where it says to enter your barcode.
- Then click on next. Create your own username and password. Write these down as they will be the only way for you to check your account again. The username and password may be whatever you would like them to be. Once this information is entered hit save. E-mail is not required but may be used to notify patrons of upcoming library events.
- To check your account information, hit the My info tab on the top of the screen. You will then see what you currently have out along with the due dates for each item.
- If you wish to renew an item, simply click on the renew button after the item you wish to renew. Items may only be renewed on-line once. If more time is needed please call the Rangeley Public Library so that staff may extend the time for you.
- In order to reserve a book, click on the catalog tab at the top of the screen.
- Search for the item you are looking for. (Refer to step 5) When you find the right one, click on the item.
- To place the item on hold, click on the hold it button. A message will appear at the top of the screen telling you if the item is available or when it will become available.
For full set of instructions click here