Borrower Information
Library Borrowing Policies:
Loan Periods
Fiction, non-fiction, music compact disks and audio books-2 weeks
Magazines and books from the Maine shelf-1 week
Videos and DVDs-2 library business days
$.05 per day for everything except videos/dvds.
$1.00 per day for videos and dvds.
Requests for materials
If RPL owns an item you would like but that item is already checked out, you may request that the item is put on hold and we will call you when it is returned.
If RPL does not own an item you would like, we can order it for you through the interlibrary loan system. RPL has access to approximately 3 million media items throughout Maine.
Public Computers with Internet and Wireless System- Free
Fax- $1.00 for the first page, $.50 for subsequent pages
Printing/Copying- $.20 per page, $.30 for double sided pages, $.50 per page for color copies
Laminating- $1.00 per page
Interlibrary Loan- Donation requested of $3.00 to cover return postage
Delivery to Homebound Patrons- Free
Criteria For Used Book Donations
We Like:
Paperbacks in good condition (fiction or non-fiction)
Recent bestsellers
Classic titles in good to excellent condition
We Don't Need (and can't sell at the Book Sale):
Books in poor condition: yellowed, broken bindings, musty smelling...
Reader's Digest condensed books
Dated information (old travel guides, etc.)
Helpful Hints:
Call ahead (207-864-5529)
Limit your donation to a few boxes at a time
Please do not bring us books we will need to discard
Tax Receipts:
We will mail you a letter of receipt with the number of items you are donating. We are unable to assess the value.
Your usable gift allows the Library to add valuable items to the collection. The items we cannot use will be sold at the Book Sale (proceeds benefit the Library).