Sign up for a Rangeley Public Library Card
Thank you for becoming a Rangeley Public Library cardholder. Your library card number will be e-mailed to you within the next two business days. Your card number will give you access to our collection of free e-books and downloadable audio books. Instructions on how to access these services will be attached in the e-mail containing your card number. To pick up your card and to check out items within the Rangeley Public Library, you must pick up the card in person and provide some form of identification.
Contact Info
Contact Information
7 Lake Street
P.O. Box 1150
Rangeley, Maine
(207) 864-5529
Fax: (207) 864-2523
email: [email protected]
Hours of Operation
Tuesday 10- 7
Wednesday thru Friday 10-4:30
Saturdays from 10 till 2pm
Thanks largely to generous donations made in memory of Dr. Patrick Ashley, our collection can now be viewed anytime on any computer with Internet access by clicking on the Library Catalog link on the left.
Do not forget to check out our downloadable e-books and audio books which are brought to you by the Friends of the Rangeley Public Library. Instructions are available by clicking on the link to the left of the home page